Welcome to the Coven!

This is a place where I share thoughts and reflections on topics ranging from spirituality and witchcraft to health, the human experience, social issues, and the universe.

My hope is to form a community of people who like to ponder the big questions while sharing tips and stories along the way.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe for personal essays, reflections, channeled messages, rituals, card pulls, journaling prompts, and whatever creative inspiration hits me.

About me

I’m Victoria, a writer, witch, and pagan priestess. My spiritual journey began back in 2006 when I first took up yoga. Although I remained a sceptical atheist for many years, yoga and meditation eventually opened me up to my spiritual self.

I’ve done a lot of things in my life — worked in the humanitarian sector, tried and failed to build a business as a yoga teacher and health coach, lived on four continents and settled in Barcelona, studied various healing modalities, and now I’m a content writer at a marketing agency. (It’s a long story, I’ll try to tell it one day)

I’ve also had my trials and tribulations, ranging from mental health struggles to the tragic and unexpected loss of my beloved mother in 2021.

I have a lot of thoughts about the world — from capitalism to the nature of reality. Through this newsletter, I’ll share some of my perspectives along with stories, tips, and inspiration.

It took me until I was 36 to start taking my writing seriously, and I’m still experimenting and finding my voice. I hope you’ll stick around to see what happens.

Subscribe to Seven Gates

Thoughts on spirituality, mental health, tech, remote work, grief, writing, and late-stage capitalism. Subscribe for essays, reviews, rituals, journaling prompts, and more.